New Hampshire U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin says he will oppose an extension of a lockdown order for New Hampshire. Andy says there is no “emergency” and the lockdown is unconstitutional. Liberate New Hampshire! Free Granite Staters!

GOP U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin says a proposal to “reopen” New Hampshire to be released on Friday, May 2 is, on the contrary, a death wish for the state and will entomb the state’s economy for years. Andy strenuously opposes and objects to the “bureaucratic and regulatory state” that is being imposed on Granite Staters. Andy will soon begin a campaign of civil disobedience to help lift the yoke of enslavement from state residents.

News from:

ANDY MARTIN /2020         

Republican for U. S. Senator

New Hampshire



P.O. Box 742

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Attention, New Hampshire, Washington, National daybook/assignment and Political editors

Andy Martin says New Hampshire officials have a “death wish” going forward to destroy the state’s economy while saving only a handful of lives

Andy says that protecting the medically vulnerable does not mandate impoverishing a million New Hampshire residents

Andy says he will defy the state government’s orders and soon launch a campaign of civil disobedience against the new regulatory state imposed by New Hampshire officials

Andy predicts that if the latest proposals are enacted and enforced, New Hampshire Republicans will be wiped out in November; this is a case of blatant and incompetent political suicide

“They are destroying our New Hampshire,” Andy says. “Why aren’t we following the ‘Swedish model’ instead of the ‘Chinese model?’”


(MANCHESTER, NH) (May 1, 2020) — New Hampshire Republican U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin says that he objects to the bureaucratic regulatory state that is being imposed on New Hampshire residents. The state is to announce new and continuing regulations, as well as a continuing lock-down of state residents, on May 2nd. An “emergency” declaration has also been renewed by the state. Andy opposes the systematic destruction of New Hampshire, its traditions and its economy.

“It is time for New Hampshire Patriots to stand up and oppose the Stalinist bureaucracy that is about to be dumped on New Hampshire’s residents and businesses,” Andy says. “I not only oppose the continuation of the nonexistent and bogus ‘emergency,’ I oppose the bureaucratic codes that are being used to straightjacket citizens and businesses.

“Public safety and public health are paramount concerns, but when these legitimate concepts are pursued to illegitimate ends, the state is going to collapse. The Supreme Court declared unconstitutional the National Industrial Recovery Act in Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United States, 295 U.S. 495. The NRA was a regulatory scheme similar to the Covid-19 schemes being imposed on Americans by state officials.

“I would like to present the basis for my opposition and forthcoming civil disobedience:

1. The Deep State and incompetent CDC bureaucrats betrayed the American People

“Americans generally, and Granite Staters, have been betrayed by a mindless Washington bureaucracy and Deep State. When the virus is gone and cooler heads review the history of this medical and economic disaster, the public will be outraged at how the American people were betrayed by incompetent bureaucrats, starting at the Centers for Disease Control (“CDC”). The history of how the incompetent CDC refused to use a simple virus test, developed in less than a week in Germany, and initially created a defective test and then a series of delays before a workable ‘test’ was developed, is a disgrace to our democracy. Germany’s test would have worked fine. But the CDC’s ‘not invented here’ arrogance deprived the medical system of testing ability for weeks and allowed the crisis to get out of hand. The CDC deprived the president and others of meaningful information when it was most needed. If I get to the U. S. Senate, I will work to see the CDC head is fired. He was an incompetent leader and administrator.

2. Of necessity, I support and endorse the state’s prior actions

“When the State of New Hampshire eventually declared an ‘emergency’ and lock-down, it was proceeding blindly. A ‘model’ from Imperial College in London was useless. A similar model from the University of Washington was almost as useless. But government bureaucrats such as Anthony Fauci used these defective models to scare the president and the American people by initially predicting millions of deaths and stampeding our society to adopt a nationwide lock-down approach.

“Nevertheless, in the classic computer expression, ‘garbage in garbage out,’ New Hampshire state officials had garbage from the federal government to work with and developed a plan that was garbage. Thus, because state officials were duped by federal bureaucrats, I give New Hampshire a ‘pass’ on their initial lock-down and ‘emergency.’

3. Why was the Swedish model not used; why was it ignored?

“Sweden is a civilized society. Swedish leaders saw the hysteria enveloping the world and chose a different approach. No, the Swedish model did not completely avoid loss of life or illness. But Sweden never closed its restaurants and bars, never locked-down the people. Instead, Swedish authorities enacted sensible restrictions: groups larger than 50 were banned, large events such as athletic events were barred, and Swedes were asked to exercise common sense. The result: Sweden has a death rate similar to that in the United States. But Sweden’s economy is intact, primary schools are open, and the nation is moving ahead.

“There were and are risks in any approach, including the Swedish system, but Fauci-led statist bureaucrats would not consider anything but medieval quarantines, knowing full well the quarantines would destroy entire industries and might trigger a depression.

“Why is the New Hampshire state government now not looking to Sweden as a model, and insisting on imposing a Fauci-Chinese dictatorship on the Granite State?

4. Today, May 2, there is no “emergency” and no basis for New Hampshire bureaucrats to impose their imperial rule on residents

“In my opinion, the claim that there is a basis for an emergency declaration today, May 2, is an insult to the intelligence and grossly unconstitutional. In my opinion, a bona fide ‘emergency’ should (1) involve a sudden or surprise act; (2) a situation that is out of control or difficult to control; (3) a lack of an established protocol or resources to address the situation.

“In March, the people were incited by the scare tactics broadcast by the national media and Governor Andrew Cuomo’s hysteria that 140,000 ICU units and and 40,000 ventilators were needed immediately. Cuomo also tried to scare the nation by saying ‘You’re next. Tomorrow, you’re New York.’ Well, time has passed, and Manchester is not New York. New Hampshire is not New York.

“Nevertheless, New Hampshire bureaucrats, without much critical thought, declared the original ‘emergency.’ I accepted that action when it was imposed, because the state was given defective modeling information by Washington. My three-factor emergency approach (above) reasonably applied.

“But today there is no coronovirus emergency. There are a handful of corona patients in New Hampshire hospitals.

“But there is a genuine, non-corona virus emergency. New Hampshire’s health care system is begun destroyed by the false emergency, doctors and nurses are being let go. Hospitals are losing hundreds of millions of dollars a month. This money will never be recovered. There is an emergency because sick people with cancer and heart ailments have been deprived of medical care for months. But the ‘emergency’ that was recently renewed is nonexistent. It is a political fraud on the people of the state. Bureaucrats are ignoring the real emergency, the unemployment and critical state of health systems that are being destroyed, while they develop plans to regulate state lakes and beaches. Disgraceful.

5. The scatter-shot approach has killed our senior citizens

“Ironically, while failing to protect the ‘vulnerable,’ on the contrary the emergency and lock-down destroyed the vulnerable. While there are a handful of cases in every age category, the vast majority of deaths were of people over 60 and, proportionately, of nursing home and care home residents. So, by locking down the entire state and pretending the entire state was equally at risk from the virus, we neglected to protect the very groups of people that were in reality vulnerable. The deaths in nursing homes were entirely expected. Nursing homes were neglected; they were the stepchildren of the medical system. So vulnerable seniors were ignored, and died, while state bureaucrats lavished attention on groups that were at minimal risk, claiming they were ‘protecting everyone’ when in reality they were protecting no one.

“The scatter-shot approach not only failed, it is a disgrace to our humanity that we abandoned our most vulnerable citizens to neglect and death. Had competent officials sat down and reviewed input from hospitals and nursing facilities, the anti-virus efforts would have been concentrated on seniors and the critically ill and not on the blunderbuss scattershot approach of imprisoning on 1.3 million New Hampshire residents, almost all of whom were not ill and faced no serious risk. Dr. Benjamin Chan, the state’s ‘epidemiologist,’ proved to be an incompetent bureaucrat. Why hasn’t Chan been fired? Because state government is afraid to admit that Concord officials botched the corona virus response. Fire Chan! He’s worthless.

6. New Hampshire’s economy will not survive the latest regulatory proposals

“State government proposes to impose an extended regulatory regime on state businesses starting Friday. A nonexistent ‘emergency’ is used as the pretext to enslave over a million people and lock them in their homes, deprive their children of an education and impoverish the citizenry.

“Restaurants can’t survive with Concord bureaucrats running their establishments. Salons are being regulated as what services they can and can’t provide. And so on.

“There are probably 150,000 unemployed people in New Hampshire, and many more under-employed. The state’s economy will soon collapse and Democrats will gleefully proclaim Donald Trump the new Herbert Hoover.

7. Civil disobedience is the inevitable outcome

“New Englanders are a pretty law-abiding and civil people. But the Boston Tea Party is also in our history. I foresee massive civil disobedience starting this summer, as Concord bureaucrats try to deprive the people of access to their property, yes, the people own the state, the state does not own the people.

“When the American Revolution began, most people opposed the patriots and there were only a handful of people willing to confront the King of England. So, don’t be fooled by the claim that the vast majority of New Hampshire residents want to be ruled and regulated by Concord bureaucrats. They don’t. As President George Bush once said, ‘[You] will hear from us.’

8. The current rule-and-regulate regime will decimate Republicans in November

“If Republicans as a party do not rise up and oppose the imposition of draconian regulation and restrictions on New Hampshire residents, by the time the virus has passed voters are only going to remember their endless and continuing economic pain, and will take revenge on so-called ‘conservatives’ who refused to open their mouths to oppose the craziness that is/was being imposed on them.

9. The polls are being manipulated to deceive the people

“It is obvious that many people are afraid, especially senior citizens. But the idea that the vast majority of New Hampshire residents want to remain entombed at home, while their jobs disappear and they become impoverished, is nonsense. We are closing county fairs and events, out in the sun and fresh air? Why?

“The motto of this state used to be ‘Live Free or Die.’ Are the bureaucrats going to change the motto to ‘Live Enslaved and Like it?’ President Reagan warned us our freedom and liberty are always endangered by power-hungry bureaucrats. Today, the combined threat posed by the tech titans (Amazon, Twitter, Facebook, Apple, etc.) and the Deep State is an even more insidious than the Cold War. President Trump talks of an ‘invisible enemy.’ The virus may not be visible, but the politicians and malefactors of great wealth are the real enemy and they are increasingly powerful and visible.

10. The battle for the beaches will be a “beetch”

“My family has been going to Hampton Beach for 100 years. Hampton Beach has never closed. There is no reason to close the state’s ocean beaches now. The mantra that New Hampshire will be overrun by hordes of diseased Massachusetts residents is disgraceful and insulting (should Bay Staters just send a check in the mail?). The safest place to be may be a beach. Fresh air and sunlight are virus-killers. But yet the state’s bureaucrats want to kill an entire beach season, and deprive the people of access to the safest place in the state. On what meat do these Caesars feed? We must begin a ‘battle for the beaches’ and liberate our shores from the invaders and Chinese-thinking regulators in Concord.

11. The usurpation of power by “emergency” is unconstitutional

“Government bureaucrats, even elected officials, do not have the power under either the New Hampshire or U. S. Constitutions to rule by government ‘order,’ and control the table seating of restaurants, the access to public property such as shores and lakes, and in general to control every aspect of our daily lives based on a nonexistent ‘emergency.’ The proposed plans to be released Friday are unconstitutional.

“Well, what do you think?” asks Andy Martin. “Live free or live under the bureaucratic/regulatory state being imposed by Concord?”

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Andy Martin is a legendary New Hampshire-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. With over fifty (50) years of background in radio and television and with decades of intelligence, investigative and analytical experience in Washington, the USA and around the world, Andy provides insight on politics, foreign policy, military and intelligence matters. For a full bio, go to: See also;

Andy has also been a leading corruption fighter in American politics and courts for over fifty years and is executive director of the National Anti-Corruption Policy Institute.

He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).

He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind the Mask” [] and produced the Internet film “Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” blogging at and

Andy’s family immigrated to Manchester, New Hampshire over 100 years ago; today his home overlooks the Merrimack River and he lives around the corner from where he played as a small boy. He is New Hampshire’s leading corruption fighter and Republican Party reformer.


Andy’s opinion columns are posted at, and

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